Monday 5 May 2014

Emily's E-Mazing Top Read!

Hello fellow bloggers,
I have been completing a reading bingo in class last term and thought I should share the great books I have read! Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought of my review skills!

Title: Deenie
Author: Judy Blume
Publisher: Red Fox

Dennie is a young girl who has always been descibed as Beautiful, but Deenie's dreams were nothing like her mothers, to be a model. The thought made Deenie shiver but when she trials for her school's cheerleading team that's where things REALLY go wrong! Deenie finds out she has a spinal condition called osteroparosis which can cause her to look like a "hunchback" and she was devastated at first but as the book goes on she realises she must accept what has to be and becomes more and more aware of her condition as the book goes on, in the end she learns a great lesson "you are you and that is 100% true!"

A great book sad, but totally worth reading, you will NOT be disappointed 


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